Oh, I Actually Do Have Those Skills

I have a friend who, upon retirement from conducting, had a consultant develop a resumé that reflected his skills and abilities without once mentioning conducting. (Of course, there’s a lot to talk about there.)

As I prepare for a short run as a guest lecturer on theatrical sound, I have been dealing with imposter syndrome – do I really have the skills to be qualified to teach this class? But as I have gotten into it and reflected more, I was forced to admit – “Oh, I actually do have those skills!” In fact, my work in theatrical sound predates arranging, composing, conducting, studio engineering – all the things I count as my firmest skills in the performing arts. While I haven’t studied it formally, I have certainly gotten substantial on the job training that will be perfect for the students in this class.

All of which is to say – what skills do you use regularly that, for some reason, you don’t count when you list your professional skills? What are you not giving yourself enough credit for?