When I think about the explosion of high-stakes standardized testing, the loss I feel the deepest is context.
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Posts discussing education, both in and outside of music
When I think about the explosion of high-stakes standardized testing, the loss I feel the deepest is context.
Learning is better with a fellow traveler.
You’re in charge of your own growth.
Why not invite audiences to your rehearsals?
John Wooden wrote, “You haven’t taught until they’ve learned.” It’s a core belief for me.
Teaching ensemble music is a unique case in keeping students in the growth zone, where the most effective learning happens.
When you prioritize creating student autonomy, what are the prerequisites?
I have often said that the best thing about Fall Semester is Winter Semester – especially for small groups and jazz groups.
I love efficient rehearsals. But sometimes efficient isn’t the most important value.
The best impulse for educators is to live vicariously.