Find Your People

Thanksgiving is about being with your people: the ones who make you feel all right.

That’s why I’m thinking about the song that the Rockford 6-12 vocal music staff sang with our superintendent at the kickoff staff meeting this year. “Find Your People” by Drew Holcomb is exactly the right message for what makes family feel good, what makes work feel good, what makes life feel good.

You gotta find your people
Ones that make you feel alright
The kind you want to stay up with all night
You got to find your people
The ones that make you feel whole
That won’t leave your side when you lose control
The ones that don’t let you lose your soul.


In a world of strangers, you don’t know who to trust
All you see is danger, trying to find what you lost
You can’t go in alone, everybody needs help
You gotta find your people, then, you’ll find yourself.

Hope you find yourself somewhere among your people on this Thanksgiving day.