Quantum Sufficit

Don’t stop till you get enough, but also…stop.

Quantum sufficit is a Latin expression meaning “as much as needed” and is to this day used (in abbreviation q.s.) on medical prescriptions.

It’s a good recipe for many things. How much salt to add to this recipe? q.s. How much time to spend completing the assignment? q.s.

It’s a great mindset for writing music, too. Because I think many writers, especially young ones, seek to write as much as possible. Instead, write quantum sufficit. When you have written enough music to tell the story you want to tell, you’re done. Indeed, the next step is the most important: remove all inessential notes and complexities until you get to the q.s. moment. “How much is enough?” is the question to ask…if you remove more and the piece is less effective, you’re not at the q.s. point. If you can simplify without reducing the effectiveness, you’re past the q.s. point.