Choir Werewolves
I never do a retreat without this game now.
arrange • compose • conduct
I never do a retreat without this game now.
How do you communicate the details about how your rehearsal feels?
Repeat that mantra when you get nervous.
Everyone auditions better when they feel less stressed an anxious. Why not hear the best versions possible of every audition?
I often say to my students that they are all starters. In the world of high school sports, there are starters and there are bench warmers. A popular no-cut team might have four players at every position…some of whom barely ever get to play in a game. It’s meant, and […]
Start with the impact you want to make. I’m in the middle of figuring out whether I want to take the leap on a new project I’ve been dreaming of. I think with any project, you have to start with the question, “What impact do I want to have?” Want […]
You’ll never see me praying with my students, for one simple reason.
The further advance notice you can give, the better.
My goal is to develop an ensemble’s autonomy until there’s no difference when I’m not in front of them.
I read the room, and I said confidently, “You’re going to read and learn this entire piece today.”