Instructions Before A First Concert
What do you want your ensemble to remember as you approach their first concert of the year?
arrange • compose • conduct
Posts specifically about choral music
What do you want your ensemble to remember as you approach their first concert of the year?
My ideal choral tone is transparent.
As I see it, retreats are for these five things.
At the beginning of the school year, this is an important phrase.
My preferred lead-off word when I cut off an ensemble in rehearsal is “Good.”
That’s how to get good a sight reading. Well, kind of.
Everyone auditions better when they feel less stressed an anxious. Why not hear the best versions possible of every audition?
You think I’m a choir director, but actually….
There are many reasons for repeating repertoire from year to year. I’m listening to my son learn the high school “fight song” clarinet part – and so I’m thinking about music we play or sing again and again. Is there value in repeating songs from year to year? I know […]
We don’t do the concert because we’re ready. We do it because it’s concert day.