You’re In Charge Of Your Own Growth

I just got home from watching a former student captivate a room with a 10-piece jazz band behind him.

In the six years since he graduated high school, he has charted a path towards growth and success while eschewing traditional education. He likes to say that the only college credit he has is from singing for a year in Shades of Blue with me.

That’s not a path for everyone: there is value in pursuing traditional college educational a path towards musical success. (Everyone in his band was a college graduate with a jazz degree, several with advanced degrees.) But he knew that school wasn’t for him and that you’re in charge of your own growth.

If you want to succeed at something, keep working. Don’t wait for someone to offer the information, don’t wait for the curriculum to say it’s time to learn it. Too many people wait for someone else.

Keep growing, keep seeking opportunities, keep building skills and knowledge. You’re in charge.