The Perfect Rehearsal

I start out each week planning the perfect rehearsal. Efficient! Fun! Productive! There is music, and laughter, and camaraderie, and mutual respect among all people in the rehearsal.

This, of course, never happens. I plan the perfect rehearsal, but I never plan on the perfect rehearsal!


  • There’s a sporting event/car problem/illness that keeps group members away.
  • Singers (and directors!) walk into rehearsal distracted by coming tests, personal problems, their own mental health and that of those around them.
  • This week, my rehearsals will be weird because the time change will have messed with everyone’s body.
  • The weather. (The rain can affect your intonation! I lose a rehearsal almost every late-fall to surprise snowfall.)

While I want to have a perfect rehearsal every time I walk into my rehearsal space, I also understand that these are human beings I’m collaborating with, and being human is hard. We’re all doing our best.

So I’ll just say this: I’ll do my best to aim for the perfect rehearsal, if you do the same.