Self-Determination Theory: Join The Choir!

What is self-determination theory? It’s a framework for understanding motivation, specifically intrinsic motivation – that magical mindset that requires no carrots or sticks to compel hard work.

Self-determination theory proposes three basic needs that inspire that intrinsic motivation: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. It’s my position that a well-designed choral program is a perfect place to help students develop all three of those needs. Once you get to know these basic needs, it’s easier, in my experience, to develop them in other parts of your life. Thus, choral music programs can be linchpins of secondary and tertiary education, preparing students for lives of self-determination.

As we move through life, continuing to find places to enhance those basic needs is a key factor in feeling control over your life and the joy you find in it.

You can find autonomy, competence, and relatedness in choir, any time of life. If you’re looking for more self-determination in your life, join the choir!