Productivity Culture

I am of two minds about productivity culture.

On the one hand, I believe that productivity culture – the hacks that make us more “efficient” humans- dehumanizes, overworks, and undermines our self esteem.

On the other hand, I’m sitting down to write at 9pm on Christmas Day – at least in part to keep a 9+ year streak going.

I think the trick is to find some middle ground, some tenacious balance. I write every day because I want to, and the day it no longer serves me, I’ll walk away gladly. But there are plenty of other habits that I like to keep, but don’t mind missing a day or two. I work pretty hard not to be obsessed with streaks and productivity, even though my brain likes the game-y nature of productivity culture.

Yes, I use tricks to maintain productivity and forward progress on my goals. No, I don’t let them touch my self-esteem.