Plenty of Time

You’ve got plenty of time to build the skills you want to have.

I was reflecting recently on all the things I’ve learned to do since I finished formal education. Musical skills, life skills, cooking skills, hobbies, parenting, and on and on. It’s a lot. It’s a lot for you, too.

When we’re in school, we can feel like there’s such a rush to build our skills – students seem convinced that if they don’t master a skill before they graduate, the opportunity is gone.

If you spend two hours on something, once a week, for two years, you’ve amassed more than 200 hours of practice. That’s a lot! You can simultaneously be achieving five new skills like this, only spending ten hours a week. That’s barely over an hour a day.

Do that from age 18, and by the age of 30 you’ve spent 200+ hours on sixty new skills. Sixty! There is plenty of time to build new skills, whether you do it in school or outside.