Performance Ready

How do you define “ready to perform”?

One of the big challenges to helping young people develop their artistry is helping them move their definition of performance ready.

I have had many students over the years who have considered performance ready to mean “I know the notes, rhythms, and words.” For me, that’s only a small percentage of the way to performance ready, though. How do I convince them of that?

I’m not always successful, but when I am, it’s through a combination of tools.

  • Rehearsal recordings over time, so they can hear the development of a piece.
  • Deadlines that move their definition of performance ready earlier in the process, so they can experience the next steps.
  • Multiple performances of pieces over the year, so they can become aware of how a piece continues to grow.
  • Lots of conversation about the musical elements beyond notation that are essential to real artistry.