No Time For Reflection

‘Tis the season. The season of no reflection.

We’re talking dress rehearsals, back-to-back (or overlapping!) performances, holiday parties that call for caroling, end-of-semester grades, Christmas shopping, weather challenges, and more. Amidst that, there’s no time for reflection, taking the time to consider what happened and what’s about to happen.

Now, I’m a person built around reflection. Decisions come from a place of long consideration, and without time for reflection, I can feel adrift. So how do you get through the crazy times?

By making the decisions you can make in advance, when you have time to reflect.

By putting off big decisions if you can, till you have time to reflect.

By trusting the people around you to make decisions together.

By trusting your experience to make instinctual decisions.

By getting enough sleep, so that your thinking is clear when it has to be.

By not overbooking yourself. (HA.)

Most of all, by trusting that this is temporary.