How Do You Stop?

How do you stop safely when your May school schedule keeps you going at 100mph?

You can feel like a car at top speed, on a highway that ends in a half mile. How are you going to stop?

It definitely feels that way, as you bounce from event to event with concerts, open houses, auditions, senior ceremonies, and so much more. But I think it’s the wrong metaphor.

At the every least, stop thinking of yourself as the one pushing down the gas pedal. You’re the one driving, but the gas pedal is held down by your to-do list.

Round about the last day of school, that to-do list is going to get a lot shorter. And when that happens, the car is naturally going to slow down. It’s inevitable and perfectly normal. You don’t need to do anything to slow down…you just need to keep living through the days.

And choosing the right metaphor for your situation.