Easier and Harder

This school year is easier and harder than last year. Everyone I talk to seems to agree.

It’s easier because we’re closer to normal interaction; there are concerts, regular rehearsals, and more of the normal events we associate with the school year. It’s easier because we can connect as humans a little more, and because we have more practice navigating the changing landscape. It’s easier because there’s less uncertainty.

It’s harder because we’re all out of shape – students and teachers alike. We’ve also changed our expectations for what school should be like, and maybe we don’t think “back to normal” is a suitable goal. It’s also hard because the last totally cohesive school year was a long time ago (for my fifth grader, it was second grade!) so there’s a fair bit of social development to catch up on.

It’s easier and harder. Go easy on yourself and try not to only notice the easier parts as you are emotionally affected by only the hard parts.