Advice For Aspiring Musicians
What advice do you have for aspiring musicians?
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Posts discussing education, both in and outside of music
What advice do you have for aspiring musicians?
On average, choir directors should be asking for more and less about the same amount of time.
Video auditions are here to stay; you won’t see me using them if I can avoid it.
I love exploring musical interpretation with students.
I’m looking to maximize Totality Experiences in my life, and part of my job as an educator is to convince my students to make the effort with me.
I value every hour of rehearsal we get. Rehearsal is canceled.
Yesterday’s club show was an affirming moment as an educator.
Mastering form sense unlocks doors to musicality at a much higher level.
When skills are secure, sometimes the gap between new and secure can become invisible. Thank goodness none of us are good at everything.