
Replayability (also known as Replay Value) is a measure of how much enjoyment people continue to have with a game that they have already spent time playing. Chess has a high level of replayability. Candyland has a low level of replayability, unless you’re five. It’s also one of the factors […]

Too Hard

Would you program something that is “too hard” for your choir? I mean: too hard to sing flawlessly. Too hard to perform without the occasional tuning error. I don’t program music that is too hard in the sense of: requires professional tessitura or vocal control; requires advanced vocal techniques; is […]


A popular business expression goes “Underpromise and overdeliver.” But I can’t think of a single important relationship in which that is the best approach. Do people underpromise in their wedding vows? Do parents underpromise to their children? Do you underpromise to your friends? Underpromising is always, to me, a subtle […]