At The Mercy Of Your Calendar

Being at the mercy of your calendar can be a great gift – if you only choose to see it that way.

As summer ends, teachers ramp up. I don’t know any choir teachers who aren’t at the mercy of their calendar from August to June. Concerts, rehearsals, trips, personal commitments – even free time needs to be in the calendar if they want it to happen.

This way of living can be disparaged. You get described as “too busy,” “inflexible,” or “overly compulsive.” But it can be a gift to have a clear, full, and followed calendar.

When I’m following my calendar, I never miss events. I am always fully present in the things I’m doing because I never commit to things I’m not available for. Knowing what’s happening in six months means that I’m rarely double booked and making difficult decisions about what to prioritize. Having a calendar means I’m able to plan and prepare in advance, rather than improvise or hustle at the last minute.