A Tiny Bit of Prep Work

At a Scout campout earlier this year, a fellow parent pointed out that, “The boys never seem to realize that if they put in even a tiny bit of prep work, their meals would be so much better.” It’s really true – they tend to choose for meals the foods that require as little on-site prep as possible…think Kraft Mac & Cheese, ramen, instant oatmeal.

So here I am this morning, chopping and caramelizing an onion and boiling some diced potatoes. It’s almost no work – just some passive time. And I know that my Sunday breakfast will be a lot better with the flavors I’m cooking up today.

The truth is, it’s a lesson we need to learn in every realm of our lives. A tiny bit of prep work can radically change the outcome.

When my students realize that 5 minutes a day of practice can completely shift the way group rehearsals go, they’re amazed and excited. It sometimes takes a while, but when a teenager learns that studying math for a little while every day is better than cramming the night before a test, it’s a sea change. Memorizing lines for a play? A tiny bit of prep work makes the rehearsal process so much better.

A tiny bit of prep work makes all the difference.