Opposite of a Snow Day

I’ve frequently written before about Snow Days, and particularly about how they exist outside the normal day-to-day routine, and as such, are a chance to dream big, try new things, and step back from your grind. The social distancing so vital to our communal success in slowing the spread of […]

Online Snow Days

In the wake of the truly historic school-canceling winter we’ve had, I have heard this question a few times: why can’t we have online school on Snow Days? I suppose we could have “Digital Snow Days”…if we solved the following problems. Contracts need to be renegotiated to provide for teachers […]

Long-Term Snow Days

We are having a long-term snow day in my area. Specifically, the last day of school was last Thursday–we’ve had four consecutive snow days plus a weekend since school was held. I’ve done Snow Day recommendations in the past, but with the long-term nature of these Snow Days, I think […]

Always Plan For a Snow Day

If you don’t plan for a Snow Day, it will come on your final rehearsal before a performance. (This could be any school-canceling calamity, of course.) This is particularly challenging if, like me, you only rehearse once per week. A well-placed Snow Day can wreak havoc on the arc of your preparation. […]

Never Hope For A Snow Day

When you hope or plan for a Snow Day, the best you can get is “met expectations.” The worst is “deeply disappointed.” But when you don’t hope or plan for a Snow Day, the worst you can get is “met expectations.” The best is, “unexpectedly delighted.” If you’re near me […]

Every Snow Day Comes With A Monday

Mondays are many people’s least favorite day of the week (and cats, apparently). The truth is, though, it’s the transition from weekend to weekday that people hate. We thrive on rhythm, on routine. The weekend disrupts our routines, and the shift back into the routine is what people dislike. This is the dark side of Snow Days […]

Snow Day Every Day

I’ve written before about snow days, and the special opportunities they provide. Today, I’m thankful for the snow day that gave me a morning of writing, an afternoon of family games, and an evening of listening to my president address the nation. I enjoyed it so much, I almost forgot to share […]