Why Go With Pros

Hiring a pro band for our annual Cabaret is certainly not the cheapest way to put on the show. Particularly with the availability of good quality karaoke tracks as well as skillful student musicians, it might seem hard to justify. It never is for me. For a lot of reasons.

  • Pros can be flexible. If it’s better in a higher or lower key, faster or slower tempo, they can adjust easily. Karaoke tracks, not so much.
  • Pros can read the music down faster. It would likely take much more rehearsal time with student musicians.
  • Pros can be flexible, part 2. Did you miss a fermata? Did you come in one beat late? A karaoke track won’t be any help, and a student musician might also have a lot of trouble being flexible on the fly.
  • Pros give positive feedback. Students can learn more from professional musicians than they can from karaoke tracks or fellow students.
  • Pros inspire. Seeing a musician sit down and play their music seamlessly, with little apparent preparation, can be a big inspiration to students seeking to keep music in their lives. Can you be inspired by a karaoke track?

These are just some of the benefits of using a pro band to support student musicians. That’s not even mentioning the difference you make in a community by supporting local artists, or the magic an audience gets from 100% live music.