Where You Work

Having a great place to be creative is a gift.

I love my work studio. Bookcases, and a layout of computer, monitors, software, weighted keyboard that lets me develop a workflow that is easy and quick. When I get to work there regularly, I’m a happy guy.

But I also think I should be able to work whenever and wherever I am. I write my daily post here, for example, wherever I happen to be. Given the chance, I write music whenever I find a piano to write at, and without a piano if the need arises. I wrote a short introduction for the Wisconsin All-State Jazz Choir around an hour before our first rehearsal – sneaking into a neighboring rehearsal space, as yet unoccupied, and “borrowing” the baby grand piano. I’d never written there before and will never write there again, but when that’s what’s available, that’s where you write.

Yes, develop the perfect space to let your creative ideas grow; no, don’t expect that that should be the only place you can be creative.