Unlikely To Complain

This quote has a lot to teach.

“Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

This quote, falsely attributed to Plato, is often on my mind – it’s a reminder to place empathy and kindness front and center in my interactions with others. It’s something I’ve written about before.

But this internal guideline also means I’m unlikely to complain. If I really understand that everyone is fighting a great battle, I’m unlikely to complain about my feet hurting on a hike, being tired in rehearsal, or really any day-to-day problem.

This is not to say I won’t share my frustrations – with trusted friends. I don’t think that hiding your struggles is helpful, either. Later, I will think about my complaints, share them, and work toward solving them collaboratively. But in the moment, I’m unlikely to complain because I’m unlikely to center my own problems ahead of others’. I will make the best of it and help others surmount their own problems.

This, I think, is one look of leadership. Not toxic positivity, but positivity in the service of a cause.