
The best path I know to being unforgettable is to be authentic.

When I’m most myself in a leadership situation – say, conducting an ensemble – is when I’m most likely to have an effect on people. I need to show more of myself if I want to make a real difference. Show my strengths, my struggles, my biases, my insights.

Some people dislike the idea of authenticity. Seth Godin says:

Perhaps the only truly authentic version of you is just a few days old, lying in a crib, pooping in your pants.

Ever since then, there’s been a cultural overlay, a series of choices, strategies from you and others about what it takes to succeed in this world (in your world).

And so it’s all invented.

Maybe it is all invented. But I think that the more we can make our public persona reflect our core beliefs and emotions, the more we can connect with the people we’re working with.

And that connection is what leads to unforgettable moments.