Is there such a thing as too many good things?
As a general rule, I think no. I think that you should fill your life with as many good things as you can. My January might be filled to the brim with good things: concerts, conferences, dinners with friends, family outings, rehearsals, etc. Filled to the brim with no breaks.
I love it! But it only works because I know I’m going to set aside some other times with fewer things. There will be a week in the summer in which I don’t make music, attend a performance, or even see a friend. And that week is a counterbalance for my filled-with-good-things times.
Work-life balance doesn’t really feel possible if I’m trying to achieve it on a day by day basis. But if you can step back and try to achieve it with a wider window, it can feel more attainable – and then you can feel free to fill certain times with as many good things as you can think of.