Too Big

When I started writing daily, it would have been easy to get in the habit of labeling each post with a few content tags. Even six months, in, it wouldn’t have taken me long to go back and amend the 180ish posts to more easily find topic-based essays.

Now I’ve got over 2,100 posts on the site, comprising more than 450,000 words. To go back, read, and edit the posts will take me at least a few minutes per post, meaning likely hundreds of hours to do the project. It’s become too big to do. (I’ve been trying but haven’t been able to find time to make much progress.)

When you have a long-term, entrenched situation, it is going to take tremendous effort to try to move it even slightly. It’s too big to turn on a dime. That’s one of the things I think about when I look at school districts across the country trying to reinvent their entire educational paradigms. They’ve tried to change something too big in just a few months, and are asking their teachers to do the same in just a few weeks (or, in some cases, a few days!).

It’s possible, with time, to get the job done. It’s too big to do with immediacy.