The Shades Plan 2020

This is my fourth year directing Shades of Blue Vocal Jazz Ensemble at Grand Rapids Community College. It goes without saying that normalcy isn’t going to be found in choral ensembles anywhere in the world this year. Here’s my plan for Shades of Blue.

  • The ensemble will be focusing on singing vocal jazz, virtually. The core skills will be focused less on ensemble listening live; instead I’ll be teaching studio singing techniques, and skills for home recording.
  • We will record and mix four songs over the course of the fall semester. 2 a cappella, 1 with rhythm section, and 1 with big band. I’ll be writing at least one new arrangement for the group.
  • Weekly commitments will be a 30-60 minute group video chat, focused on overall musicianship, talking about skills, successes, and failures. In addition to that, I will schedule a 10-15 minute private coaching with each singer each week. The singers will then have weekly recording responsibilities to complete on their own.

While I can’t wait to get back to in-person singing with Shades of Blue, I think this is a great solution and I’m looking forward to the journey we’ll take together. I hope singers consider registering for this musical journey!

Which brings me to one last thing. I’m significantly altering the audition process for 2020.

  • Returning members can register for Shades with no further requirements.
  • New members need to setup a 5 minute video/phone interview with me to talk about the ensemble and expectations (theirs and mine). No formal musical audition requirements, but I will ask questions about your musical background.
  • We need to limit the group to 3 singers per voice part, so it will be first-come first-serve.

Contact me via my GRCC email at