Streak On The Edge

Every streak is right on the edge of breaking.

I can’t even say how many times I’ve thought to myself, “Oh, I can’t write tomorrow and I haven’t pre-published anything!” A few hours later, and my streak would reset to 0.

Writing daily here is the longest streak I’ve ever kept alive, and I’m always mindful that it isn’t forever. There will come a time when I stop, or skip a day, or have a crisis that will take precedence.

And in the meantime, these near-misses remind me that I’m always about to break my streak. Every single day, I’m less than 24 hours away from breaking it, in fact. Its fragility makes it more precious.

When you’re working on developing a streak, there is a fear of breaking it, because of the implications. But for me, knowing that every streak is on the edge of breaking helps me to not get too worked up about it.