
Knowing you’ve done something before is a great help when you want to do it again.

I’ve been writing daily for years now. Long enough to start to notice a pattern or two. For example, there are some times – maybe a month or so a year – when I struggle to have anything to say. A slump. I can sit for a half-hour or more, completely lacking ideas for how to craft the 150 words I want to write.

I don’t really know what precipitates these slums. Maybe it’s the amount of sunlight, or a particularly busy moment in my year, or an illness. I don’t know, and it doesn’t really matter.

What matters is knowing that I’ve persevered through similar slumps before, and I’ve always found something to write about. Something to create. So when I do find myself in a slump, I don’t panic, don’t give up, and don’t practice avoidance. I simply work my way through the task at hand, and trust I’ll get to the other side of the slump before too long.