Rehearsal Flow State

One of my goals as a teacher is to help train my students’ minds to find, and enjoy, flow state in rehearsal.

I feel like I’m juggling 1,000 different responsibilities on any given day – bouncing back and forth, trying to stay on top of as much as I can. I know my students feel the same.

That’s why I love rehearsal so much.

You can achieve a flow state almost anywhere – that’s the hyper-focused, almost selfless feeling when you’re really in the zone. But in my day-to-day life, I achieve it most often in rehearsal.

An hour or two in flow state is blissful. To completely focus on the task at hand, and have nothing else to distract you, is my favorite way to spend some time.

To learn to recognize it, so that you can find it in other parts of your life, is so valuable for students.