Proud But Never Satisfied

One of my favorite expressions is “Be proud but never satisfied.” Indeed, it’s imprinted in my musical DNA from frequent repetition. It’s a perfect description of the balance between satisfaction in a job well done and hunger for further growth.

But in my experience, the expression needs to be inverted. As it stands, the expression in reminding you not to be satisfied, even as you’re proud of an achievement.

My students, generally speaking, need absolutely no help in remembering to be unsatisfied. Compared to me, they are just as able – and much more willing – to point out the flaws in their performances. No, they have no trouble being never satisfied.

What they have trouble with is being proud. Being proud of their growth, proud of their abilities today, proud of their past selves. So let’s flip the expression and try it this way:

Don’t be satisfied, but be proud.