Perfect or Repeatable

It’s understandable – it’s admirable! – to aim for perfection with every project. We all want every project to be the best possible version when we finish it.

But I know that I have fallen victim to projects that may be perfect but not repeatable. I’ve devised elaborate weekly rehearsal note designs only to be unable to find the time to revise and send them each week. I created a weekly newsletter full of good information but also extra things that took a lot of extra work – and then stopped sending them for 9 months.

In both cases, I’ve gotten more successful when I aimed for less perfect. A brief, clear, functional but not designed note gets sent more often. A stripped-down newsletter that just includes my seven posts from last week is a lot easier to get done.

And in the end, what I care more about is repeatability. I want to get my work into the world as frequently as I can, where it can reach the most people. I choose repeatable over perfect.