Oh, Yeah

Any break comes with an “Oh, yeah!” moment at the end of it.

The rhythms of my work life are such that breaks occur. I might not use Pro Tools for several months, or Dorico for a few weeks. (I hope it’s a long time before I am working in Final Cut Pro again…) I don’t stand in front for almost two months starting in June, and that first rehearsal back is full of “Oh, yeah!” moments. Right now, I’m experiencing the “Oh, yeah” of getting back into daily writing.

The longer you’ve practiced a skill, though, the quicker it comes back. Because I’ve only been using Dorico for 2 years, it take me a little longer to come back from a break than it would if I were still using Finale, which I used for 25 years.

The first rehearsal of my second year teaching was much harder than the first rehearsal will be this year.

I love the feeling of getting back going on something I love, and I love getting past the “Oh, yeah” and into the work.

And the more familiar I get with “Oh, yeah” the more I cut myself a bit of slack and am prepared for it. It’s a friend I know to expect. (The “Oh, yeah” is also the perfect time to try and make a subtle change or two in your practice…before the routine sets back in.)