Manageable Overload

How do you do all the things you do?

I had someone say today that he didn’t know how I juggled all my responsibilities. I answered in two parts. First: yes, of course, I feel like I’ve been in maximum plate spinning mode for quite a while now. Yes.

Second, though, is that in the midst of all that plate spinning, I work hard to make sure my day-to-day reflects my priorities. I prioritize sufficient sleep, so I stop working when I need to sleep. I prioritize family time, so I try to never hesitate in stopping work to spend time with my family.

I could work without stopping from now until December 31, and not run out of work to do. So there has to be a better framework for determining how and how much to work.

My work is important to me, but the priorities I have in my life extend beyond my work, and above my work. And I think that mindset allows the overload to feel manageable.