Look What We Can Do

Guest blog by Mandy Scott

One of the silver linings of the past six months has been witnessing educators across the country coming together to both engage in new technology and commit to the sharing of resources with one another. It has been remarkable and life changing. 

Speaking from my own experience, I can attest to the life changing force of all this new technological skill. I’ve had a chance to immerse myself in Schoology, FlipGrid, Google Slides, Google Meet, Zoom, Screencastify, Final Cut Pro, In Design…to name a few. In the end, I feel like I’ve had a chance to really explore what kinds of technology can enhance my teaching in the long run. Not only that, I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow from amazing colleagues who have so generously shared their own resources. What a gift! 

Standing here in September and looking around at my colleagues, I think to myself so often, “just look what we can do!” Let’s raise a glass to the educators of 2020 who have had no choice but to jump into depths of new learning that we never dreamed possible…may it serve us well as we embark on this new school year.