“Keep The Classical”

Overheard recently: a traditional bel canto voice teacher offering critique to a crossover student singing a jazz standard.

They said, “I liked how you kept the classical in your sound. Too many singers take out the classical when they try to sing jazz.”

I agree with what they meant, but strongly disagree with how they said it.

What they meant was that the singer kept singing with good technique, regardless of the stylistic approach. And that is exactly what we want them to do. Good technique is good technique!

But good technique is not the same as “classical” technique. Good technique can be taught, developed, and mastered singing a wide variety of styles. Calling it “classical” diminishes what it is, how it can be learned and used, and what kind of repertoire that young students think is “permissible” to study as they learn to sing.

Call it bel canto singing, call it vocal technique, call it whatever makes sense. But don’t call it “classical” because it’s simply not owned by classical music.