It’s a Marathon

We started a marathon today.

Say it out loud. It’s a marathon.

The biggest mistake you can make in a marathon is start out like it’s a sprint. Especially if you haven’t really done the training to do a marathon, and let’s face it – no one has.

Don’t try to solve the world’s problems today. Do the most important thing in front of you, and pace yourself. It’s a marathon.

K-12 classes in Michigan won’t resume until at least April 6, and that will be true for more states in the next week, I expect. It’s a marathon.

Here are the things I’m thinking about today.

  • Send love to the people who need love. (Especially students who need extra love and support, and teachers who are feeling lost and unable to nurture their students the way they want to)
  • Prepare my surroundings for spending a long time in them over the next few weeks. (Hi, spring cleaning)
  • Start making long-term projects and goals to occupy me over the next three or four weeks. (More about that on the blog in coming days – including ideas for you!)

Finally, I’m sending love to YOU. This is hard. Save space for your emotional wellness. Meditate. Walk. Breathe. Read.

And remember: it’s a marathon.