Introvert Therapy

I am decidedly introverted; however, my work and especially the projects I am creating require me to get out and talk to groups about what I’m working on.

After a particularly busy weekend a couple years ago, presenting, presiding, and helping host a conference, I joked at the end of one session that I was going to need to go into “introvert therapy” when I got home.

It wasn’t until later that day that I realized that my studio is the perfect Introvert Therapy for me. A couple hours a day spent creating in solitude is the antidote for presentations, dinners, even rehearsals.

And when, like now, I’ve been a few weeks away from my studio and the quiet it affords, I get an ever-increasing longing for it. It’s part the desire to create, and part the desire for space to recharge.

And it’s how I know I’m in the right career for me.