Habit & Place

Do your habits change when your location changes?

After so many years of writing, it seems like the habit should be the habit, wherever you are. But it’s just not true – different places provoke different things and require different things.

I read recently that heroin addiction has a strong connection to place: while addicts who returned home after treatment had a fairly high likelihood of relapse, the people who became addicted in Vietnam during the war and quit as they returned were quite unlikely to relapse. The addiction had a location component, and since they were no longer in the place connected to the addiction, the drug lost its power over them.

I am writing this from my parents’ house – the place I’m most likely to be besides my own home. Here, my writing takes on a different habit, built over the times I’ve spent here. I need different triggers, different surroundings, and find my writing is different when I’m here.