
Thanksgiving comes with it a chance to celebrate gratitude–a sentiment we can hold all year long, but too often don’t, or at least don’t acknowledge.

So I’m sitting, thinking about the things I’m grateful for as a musician and a person.

The music I get to make, certainly, but more importantly, the people I get to make it with. I’ve made music in 2019 with hundreds of people, from symphony orchestras to world-class a cappella groups to my own ensembles to my family. It’s the humans that make the difference, make the music worthwhile.

And the human connections I’ve made beyond music are of a piece, too. One-on-one or in a group, it’s the human connection that makes a life.

That’s what I’m most grateful for.

Human connection belongs at the center of each of our lives, and I aim to live year-round as if each connection I make is precious.

My commitment to myself is to set aside time each week for the next year to send a note card of gratitude to someone who has impacted my life. I challenge you to do the same. For around $50 for the year, we can carry this Thanksgiving gratitude with us all year long.