Getting Faster

I like getting better and faster at putting away my tent. I like to be the first to have everything packed up at the end of a campout.

Same thing when I’m striking a sound system, or cleaning up after a big dinner. I like to finish my job well and as fast as I can.

The reason is twofold. First, I love the feeling of being good at something. Whether it’s knowing how to coil a cable or put away a tent or clean a whisk, it feels good to be good.

Second, though, is that I like to help other people. I like to get done fast so I can help the people around me. That, to me, is the epitome of servant leadership, of friendship, of teamwork.

Develop the mindset that asks “Now, who can I help?” as soon as you’re done with your job. It will never fail to make your experience – and the experience of those around you – a little better. It won’t fail to make the world a little better.