Get Some Skin In The Journey

My sons are out selling door-to-door right now.

I have been an outspoken proponent of reducing sales-based fundraisers in favor of straight donation models; I stand by this approach: it takes pressure off of busy parents, and it lets kids focus on kid stuff, rather than being salespeople.

But. But.

There is something to be said for kids taking ownership of the things they believe in. My kids selling popcorn understand the value of their future experience, draw new appreciation for the supportive community around them, and develop some sense of the magnitude of the journey. I don’t know if they’ll think back to this day marching around the neighborhood when they’re at the Jamboree, but I hope they do, and I hope they remember every person who chipped in a little bit to help.

I also think that the interpersonal skills, self-expression, and learning from failure are valuable. They can be learned anywhere but why not learn it while raising some money?

They’ve got some skin in the journey now.