Gathering Again

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a bit jarred. After more than a year of talking about how to begin gathering again, how to make it meaningful, how to take meaningful steps toward a healthier balance…after that year, my world has thundered back into a busyness that looks not very different from just before March of 2020.

To be sure, much of it is making up for lost time – there are pent-up needs for connection, and there is only so long before this school year is done.

Nevertheless, I want to keep thinking about how we gather, how to make it meaningful, and how to make it intentional.

For that reason, I’m digging back into Priya Parker’s brilliant insights into gathering. Here are three resources for you.

  1. Listen to her recent podcast conversations with Dr. Brené Brown. (There are three. They are all wonderful.)
  2. Sign up here and get her free new gathering guide, The New Rules of Gathering.
  3. Follow her new project, Gathering Makeover, and gain insights for how to reimagine your meetings, classes, concerts, and parties.

I’m also deeply considering doing a Read-Along for her book The Art of Gathering, as I did in 2019 for Dr. Brown’s Dare To Lead over the summer. This would meditate on the specific application of her book’s ideas to the choral world. Let me know if you’d be interested in this!