First Snow

There’s something magical about the first snow, isn’t there? It uplifts, even as it chills you.

That same snow, falling in March, wouldn’t have the same effect.

We want to maintain our joy in the things that we do, but it’s simply not possible, always, when we’ve been doing the same things for month after month. When we’ve been seeing snow fall every day, we don’t always look forward to more. It’s not that it’s less beautiful, it’s that our perspective has changed.

But there will come a time when the ground warms and it’s too hot to wear coats. And then, our joy reflect returns.

It’s snowing for the first time tonight, and I love it. Three months into a school year, and the “snow” of rehearsals might feel kind of dreary. But when I remember how I felt when I first saw “snow”, when I first rehearsed with an ensemble, my heart lifts, even if I’m not as joyful to see it today.