Every Conversation

Want people to come to your event? Social media isn’t it.

Every conversation I have for the next three days will include some variation on, “By the way, the Aces have a concert Friday at 7! It’s free and there’s free ice cream after! You should come!”

Every conversation. Because I want my students to have the best possible audience, and that means, mostly, asking people to come.

We can often think that social media will do the job of promoting our events, but it does very little compared to one-on-one connection. I urge my students to mention it as often as possible because that’s how we get people to come.

(Incidentally, it’s also how we slowly change the culture, so that people come without being personally invited – like they do to high school football games!)

Every conversation includes it, because every conversation is a chance to invite someone.

Which reminds me. The Rockford Aces have their end-of-year concert this Friday, June 3 at 7pm. I’m so, so proud of how far they’ve come this year, and it’s going to be an amazing show. You should come! (And bring a friend!)