Double Warmups

I was so busy that I doubled my time for warmups in today’s rehearsal.

I was feeling a little urgent about getting to our repertoire, which is usually a sign to slow down the warmups. I took the time to talk about the why of several of the warmups, and expand out to some important principles they can use throughout their time in choirs. I reminded myself that time spent on these concepts and skills isn’t taking away time from the music-making. It’s making the music more easily accessible.

Even in the situation I’m in, with every singer in another curricular choir, I am mindful that this information isn’t front of mind with most high school students, and my way of teaching might connect with just one more student…as well as reinforce ideas they’ve already been exposed to in their other choirs.

In short: when you want to hurry through the warmups, that’s a good sign to slow down and get more value out of them.

Or as Gandhi reportedly said,

“I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one.”