Choosing Honey

[a day off of gathering posts]

Honey comes in all sizes, flavors, consistencies – and qualities! On one side, you have the packets of “honey sauce” to dip chicken nuggets in. On the other side, you have raw, organic, unpasteurized, sustainably-harvested single-flower honey.

(Full disclosure: I am pretty picky with my honey and can tell when my local honey producer switches batches – the flavor subtly changes because the flowers the bees were pollinating changed.)

The thing is: each honey has its place. While I don’t want to put “honey sauce” in my black tea, I think it might be just right to dip processed chicken into. I love Star Thistle honey, which is a single flower honey from Northern Michigan, but I don’t like that in tea, either, because its flavor is too assertive. I’ve tried it all and settled on what I firmly think is best.

You might disagree with me on all of it.

The important thing is to taste as much as you can, and then use what you think works best for you. Even if I would strongly disagree with you, so long as you’ve made an intentional choice based on your tastes and your needs, you are making the right choices.

Just like music.