Why Travel #5

Choirs should travel. This week, I’m making a list of the reasons why. The connections. I’ll never forget meeting choirs from every part of the globe at the World Choir Games in 2012 and 2014. I’ll never forget sharing the stage with choirs from Denmark, Florence, Australia, and many other […]

Why Travel #1

Choirs should travel. This week, I’m making a list of the reasons why. Choirs should travel because it opens up the world. Honestly, we all should travel for that reason, but choirs get some special advantages there. As an example, consider my 2018 experience at St. Peter’s Basilica, Easter Monday […]

Deep Breaths

You’ve got to plan ahead for long trips. We’re working on a very slow ballad in Shades of Blue, requiring breath support for phrases that always feel like they’re going one beat longer than you expect. The thing that makes the difference is planning like you’re going on a long […]