What’s the best school for you?
The best school for you is the one that gives you the specific skills you want to acquire.
The best school for you is the one that costs what you can afford to spend.
The best school for you is the one the right distance from home.
The best school for you is the one with classmates you connect with.
The best school for you is the one that has the perfect mentor/applied instructor/conductor/leader.
The best school for you is the one that has all the amenities you want in your college experience.
The best school for you is the one that is large/small/mid-sized/whatever size works for you.
Okay, so there is literally no school that will be the perfect one in all of these categories, so you have to do some math and balance how important each of these to you.
And most importantly, you need to ignore anyone who says that they know the answer, and that only one of these factors is important. They’re all important, and only you can know the best school for you.