Best Day of the Week

I’ve written about Singing Brook Days – our family’s screen sabbath – a few times before, but in the wake of a month of consistent commitment to the practice from our whole family, I wanted to write an update and say: it’s the best day of the week.

Inspired by the wonderful book 24/6, our screen-free day starts at dinner on Saturday, and goes until dinner on Sunday. (We’ve carved out a little Saturday night gaming loophole for our eldest, who is limiting his online game time on school days, and has limited other ways of connecting with his friends.)

In this screen-centric pandemic era, the eye-break alone is worth it! The disconnection from the minute-by-minute feeds is a real blessing.

But best of all has been the laughter, the family games, the good food. Sleep on Saturday night is the best of the week for everyone in the family – even the dog. And when I reenter the digital world on Sunday night, I am refreshed, rejuvenated, and inspired to begin another week of screen work.

Whatever objections you might have to trying something like this, I beg you to try it for a month. Try it one day a week in analog mode, for four weeks, and let me know what you find.